Unlimited number of emails
Personalised emails
WYSIWYG HTML email editor
Inline images
Automatically generated text only version
No database necessary
With or without server CronJob
Useful Mailer is a newsletter system that can send any number of mails. With the editor you can create HTML mail. A text only version is created automatically and sent with the mail, so text only email readers or email readers with HTML option turned off will also be served. In the HTML message you can include images inline. That means the images will be sent together with the mail message. (Images on remote servers that are only referenced by a link will be filtered out by many email programs for security reasons). Up to two attachments can be sent together with the message, ( e.g. an Excel spreadsheet and a PDF document). Your messages can be personalised, that means that individual data like first name, last name, a giFT certificate code etc. can be inserted in each mail. Email addresses and possible other individual data are drawn from CSV files, so no database is necessary. You can manage your data in Excel datasheets, your local database or any other way, output them as CSV files and feed them to the Mailer. After sending the mailings you can delete your valuable data from the server. But of course it is possible to Connect Useful Mailer to your existing database. If you have access to the crontab of your server you can control your mailer with a cronjob. As an alternative the system posesses a Pseudo-cronjob that triggers mailings from your local computer.